Results and Case Studies
When principals and teachers partner with us, there are always positive results. Student achievement increases, but more importantly we build math understanding and a genuine love to do math.
Iowa Elementary, Nampa School District

Iowa Elementary was fortunate to collaborate with Dr Brendefur and the DMTI team. In my four years as principal at Iowa, our collaboration produced amazing results as Iowa moved from under 20% proficient in math to over 50% two years later. The co-taught professional development allowed our building to make tremendous improvements in mathematical instruction. Confidence and competence grew with each training. The importance of our relationship with DMTI cannot be overstated. Iowa's growth can be directly correlated to the changes we made in instruction as a result of working with them.
Chance Whitmore
Iowa SBAC Scores
Dallas County School District
In 2018, DMTI began working with two schools in the Dallas County School District in Selma, Alabama. In just 2 years we were able to help raise ACT Aspire scores significantly from a 54F rating to a 77C rating.
DMTI are partners in the educational journey of our students and teachers. The professional development is based on the current needs of the students and teachers. The distinguishing factor that ranks the organization above other companies is the level of assistance provided to the students. (DMTI math specialists) assist students and teachers to become leaders of their own learning. I highly recommend the Developing Mathematical Thinking Institute.
Chinita Irby
Principal at Salem Elementary
Dallas County ACT Aspire Scores
Van Buren Elementary School
In the past 4 years that DMTI has worked with Van Buren Elementary there has been an average 30% gain in test scores across grade levels, surpassing district averages and maintaining similar averages to the state with 662 students, 68% Hispanic population and 90% free/reduced lunch.
We have had the privilege of working with DMTI for the past 4 years and our test scores have jumped. Just as importantly, our entire staff, teachers and paraprofessionals alike, have a depth of understanding of how to deliver quality math instruction, and students are walking away with a strong mathematical foundation.
Melissa Langan
Principal at Van Buren Elementary
Van Buren Elementary Test Scores
Mountain Home School District
In the 4 years that DMTI has worked with the Mountain Home School District there has been a 17% increase in SBAC scores across all schools
Working with the DMTI professionals has been a game changer for our district. One of the things I appreciate the most is that not only have they increased our teachers’ math knowledge and confidence levels, but through their in-class supports, they have helped our teachers become better all-around teachers. Many teachers have commented how their questioning ability has improved through the use of the math curriculum modules, which has translated to other subjects as well and has really helped get kids more engaged with the content.
Jeff Johnson
Director of Instruction
Mountain Home School District
Mountain Home SBAC Scores (G3)
Vallivue School District
ISAT data from the first year of SBAC testing for the 2014-2015 school year indicated that 44% of our students in grades 3-5 were proficient in math, matching the state percent proficient exactly. Skipping to the 2018-2019 school year, 55% of West Canyon’s students in grades 3-5 scored proficient as compared to 49% across the state in those same grades. Even more exciting is the growth that our LEP students have made. While the percentage of all students in the state with LEP status scoring proficient on the math ISAT increased by 7% from 2015 to 2019 (from 16% proficient to 23%), the percentage of LEP students scoring proficient at West Canyon has increased by 25%, from 5% in 2015 to 30% in 2019.
Working with Jonathan’s team in implementing the DMT lessons and framework has influenced a lot of change for us. The problem solving that the program requires of students really challenges them to think critically about the math. Because of this, teachers have become highly skilled at addressing misconceptions in a way that helps not just each individual, but the entire class learn and move forward.
Cindy Dodd
West Canyon Elementary